

Sunday, July 10, 2005

Bishops do not demand Arroyo quit

As reported here
Roman Catholic bishops, moving to ease the worst political crisis hounding President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo, yesterday refused to join a mounting clamor for her resignation amid allegations she stole last year's election but advised her not to dismiss such a call.

"We do not demand her resignation," the Catholic Bishops' Conference of the Philippines (CBCP) said in a long-awaited statement issued at the close of a two-day annual meeting.

"Yet neither do we encourage her simply to dismiss such a call from others. For we recognize that nonviolent appeals for her resignation, the demand for a Truth Commission and the filing of an impeachment case are not against the Gospel," it said.

The bishops appealed to Ms Arroyo "to discern deeply to what extent she might have contributed to the erosion of effective governance and whether the erosion is so severe as to be irreversible."
See my earlier post here.

See also The Belmont Club's take starting here and wandering through his links.

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