

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Latest Piracy Report from ICC Commercial Crime Services (to 11 JUly 2005)

Latest weekly piracy report here. Highlights include continuation of alert for Somali coast and a report on the Palm Chen:
03.07.2005 at 0005 LT at Tanjung Pengelih, Malaysia.
Eight pirates wearing face masks armed with guns and long knives boarded a tug with a barge in tow awaiting berthing at Tanjung Pengelih port. They held master and crew as hostages below deck. Barge was laden with 5,300mt of palm oil. Pirates transferred about 3,500mt of cargo into another tanker called Palm Chem. They left the tug and barge 04.07.2005 at 1800 LT in position 01:30N-104:30E. Subsequently, Malaysian marine police located Palm Chem with stolen cargo and arrested the crew.
See my earlier report on the Palm Chem here.

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