

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Indonesia anti-piracy police to go to mobile bases

Reported here:
The National Police will start building mobile posts in five areas across the country next year to support the Marine Police in fighting crimes such as illegal logging, illegal fishing and piracy.

Marine Police chief Brig. Gen. Nengah Sutisna said Tuesday the mobile posts would be based along coastal areas in Tugu Batu, Riau; Nunukan, East Kalimantan; Bitung, North Sulawesi; Sorong, Papua; and Kupang, East Nusa Tenggara.

"Each base will consist of docks, offices and shelters for the officers. The cost may be as much as Rp 15 billion for each base," said Sutisna.

The mobile posts will enable marine police to reach crime scenes faster since they will not have to wait for city police officers to deal with marine crimes, said Sutisna.

He added that they will save the police money on fuel for ships, which costs about Rp 130 million a day.

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