

Thursday, July 27, 2006

Why am I not comforted by this exercise?

San Diego. Waterfront. Exercise Bay Shield, a simulated terrorist attack on a cruise ship. All the agencies spring into action:
The participants sat around rows of tables inside a steamy, dimly lit hangar at the Coast Guard station, playing out their respective roles in coping with the aftermath of the “attack.”

“Everybody sits in and discusses what happens next after the initial response,” said Coast Guard Lt. Rick Hipes. “This is a test of our security plan and to look at our shortfalls

“We will see everything we did wrong, so that if there's an actually event, we can come out perfectly.”
All as reported here. I hope there's an on the water portion, too, because the best "talked" about plans often go differently when real rubber meets real road...

UPDATE: Cruise Ship Report worries about the "message."

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