

Monday, February 01, 2010

Haiti: Coast Guard Port Security Units

From USCG HQ: Coast Guard Port Security Units assist the people of Haiti:
PORT-AU-PRINCE, Haiti - Members from Port Security Unit 307 load a 17-year-old male onto a small boat for transport to a medical station at Killick Point, Haiti. The man was brought into the port seeking medical attention and the PSU's Physician Assistant responded. USCG photo by PA1 Adam Eggers

PORT-AU-PRINCE, Haiti - Petty Officer 2nd Class William Poertner carries a 5-year-old girl to a small boat for transfer to a medical station at Killick Point, Haiti. Poertner, a firefighter and paramedic with the city of Tampa, Florida, is a reservist assigned to Port Security Unit 307. The mother and little girl arrived at the port seeking medical attention and Poertner and PSU 307's Physician Assistant responded to the call for help. USCG photo by PA1 Adam Eggers

PORT-AU-PRINCE, Haiti - Petty Officer 2nd Class William Poertner carries a 5-year-old girl to a small boat for transfer to a medical station at Killick Point, Haiti. Poertner, a firefighter and paramedic with the city of Tampa, Florida, is a reservist assigned to Port Security Unit 307. The mother and little girl arrived at the port seeking medical attention and Poertner and PSU 307's Physician Assistant responded to the call for help. USCG photo by PA1 Adam Eggers

PORT-AU-PRINCE, Haiti - Members from Port Security Unit 307 carry a Haitian man with multiple gunshot wounds to a small boat for transport to a medical station. Members from PSU's 305, 308, 311 and 313 have combined with PSU 307 to port security in and around the port as relief efforts continue. USCG photo by PA1 Adam Eggers

Good work, PSU 307!

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