

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Latest ICC Commercial Crime Services (to Jan 30, 2006)

Latest ICC Commercial Crime Services Weekly Piracy Report here. Highlights:
27.01.2006 at 0645 LT in position 11:55.0N - 051:19.0E, off Cape Guardafui, Somalia.
Five pirates armed with machine guns and rocket launchers in a speedboat fired upon a bulk carrier underway. Master took evasive manoeuvres and activated SSAS; crew mustered and started fire hoses. Pirates continued firing causing damage to bridge windows and accommodation. They restocked ammunition from a nearby wooden fishing boat and resumed firing. Another black steel hulled fishing
boat came close and also fired at the ship. A coalition warship responded to the alert and at 0740 LT a helicopter arrived and pirates ceased firing. At 0810 LT a coalition warship arrived at the scene.

25.01.2006 at 0152 UTC in position 13:27.6N - 042:59.0E, southern Red Sea.
An unlit speedboat chased a container ship underway. Boat increased speed to 35 knots and came within 1.5 nm. Ship altered course and crew directed search lights. Craft reduced speed and aborted chase.

11.01.2006 at 1600 LT in position 04:49N - 005:21E, 8 miles SW of Dodo River, off EA oilfield, Nigeria.
40 persons armed with guns in three canoes boarded a pollution control ship underway. They vandalized ship's equipment and kidnapped four expatriate personnel. The ship was engaged in a security role with 14 naval personnel onboard. So far the pirates have made no demand. Authorities informed.
You might like to look at the 2005 piracy maps, a couple of examples of which follow (attacks off Somalia and in the Strait of Malacca during 2005):

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