

Friday, February 03, 2006

Somali pirate suspects plead "innocent"

As might have been anticipated, the 10 alleged pirates captured by a US Navy destroyer are claiming to be innocent victims of kidnapping by the US Navy as reported here:
Ten suspected Somali pirates captured by the U.S. Navy last month pleaded their innocence on Friday at the start of a trial intended to deter rampant piracy off the lawless Horn of Africa nation.
During the unprecedented judicial hearing in the Kenyan port of Mombasa, the ten men argued that they had been illegally kidnapped by a U.S. ship patrolling in waters that have seen an upsurge of attacks and hijackings in the last year.
"We are poor people who were abducted, up to now we don't know where we are," said Hassan Mohamed, who was formally charged with piracy along with the other nine. "We wish a representative from our government to be availed for us."
I suppose the 16 Indian hostages rescued by the Navy ship may have some differing testimony...

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