

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Aussie Intelligence chief "shocked: by internal terror threat level

"Shocked!" at the number of Australians willing to do harm to their own country, or as set out here:
The head of spy agency ASIO says he was shocked by the magnitude of the home-grown terrorist threat facing Australia when he took charge of the organisation.

Australian Security Intelligence Organisation director general Paul O'Sullivan said he was alarmed by the number of Australians who were travelling overseas to train as terrorists when he up the job 16 months ago.

"I was surprised to see that we do have a serious problem in Australia," he told a National Press Club dinner in Canberra.

"It does come as something of a shock to see that there are home-grown people who would like to do us harm in this country."
Probably shouldn't underestimate the power of hatred in the disaffected "true believer."*

*True believer and Eric Hoffer here.

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