

Saturday, November 18, 2006

French inspect North Korean ship in Indian Ocean

In the French port of Longoni on the isle of Mayotte, a French possession in the Camoros Islands, French authorities are inspecting the North Korean vessel "An Nok Gang" undr UN Security Council Resolution 1718. As set out here:
Port authorities in Longoni, Mayotte's only port, said the North Korean boat was a cement manufacturer called the "An Nok Gang", which arrived on the Indian Ocean island on November 11 to discharge 3,500 tons of cement out of 8,500 tons being transported. They said it had previously made a stop in Indonesia.

"We particularly exercise vigilance towards cargo transported by North Korean ships, as well as those coming from or going to the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK)," Mattei said.

"France immediately took restrictive measures regarding the DPRK on visas and bilateral cooperation" after the October nuclear test, he said.

"This inspection shows France's determination in the area of surveillance of proliferation activities," added a French diplomat, requesting anonymity.

"This applies to North Korea as well as to other countries."

The diplomat said that the inspection of the North Korean freighter could last "a very long time".

"There was no boarding for inspection, the ship had berthed," he added.
The Comoros islands lie off the African coast near Madagascar.

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