

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Latest ICC CCS Piracy Report (to 13 Nov 06)

Found at ICC Commercial Crime ServicesWeekly Piracy Report:
08.11.2006 at 0202 LT in position 06:41.4S - 039:20.7E, 6 miles off Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.
One robber boarded a container ship waiting to embark pilot. Alert crew raised alarm and the robber escaped empty handed.

08.11.2006 at 0302 UTC in position 21:52N - 091:40E, Kutubdia Roads, Bangladesh.
Ten robbers armed with steel bars and knives in a wooden boat boarded a bulk carrier at the stern. They broke into lockers and stole ship's stores. D/O raised alarm and robbers escaped. Local authorities informed.

09.11.2006 at 0200 UTC in position 08:45.8S - 013:16.8E, Luanda Anchorage, Angola.
Two robbers in a small open boat boarded a LPG tanker at the forecastle. They broke into bosun’s store and compressor room. Alert crew raised alarm and robbers escaped with ship’s equipment.

13.11.2006 at 0010 UTC in position 05:36.4N - 000:02.9E, Tema Outer Roads, Ghana.
Ten robbers armed with knives boarded a refrigerated ship at anchor.
They overpowered a crew member and assaulted him. However, he
managed to raise the alarm and alerted other crew.
Robbers jumped overboard and escaped in a small boat with stolen items.

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