

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Ship grounding off Alaska: Crew handled it well

Admidst the chaos of putting your ship on the rocks, some good news for the ship and its owner, found here. The crew kept its cool, a sign of good training:
When the Empress of the North ran aground, the band played on — as everyone disembarked in a safe and orderly fashion.

Passengers jolted awake by the ship hitting a charted reef 50 miles southwest of Juneau early Monday were ordered to don lifejackets and gather in the ballroom, where a singer and piano player entertained them with songs including Take Me Out to the Ball Game as they waited for rescue.

Passengers praised the ship's crew for taking charge.

"They just seemed to know what they were doing. They were caring, courteous, the whole thing, and I think that's what kept everybody calm," said Mary Crosby, 83, of Seattle.
Good on them.

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