

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Somali Pirates: Cargo ship grabbed by pirates in Indian Ocean

Reported by MSC(HOA) here:
The St Vincent & Grenadines flagged cargo ship MV RAK AFRIKANA has been hijacked this morning 11 April approximately 280 nautical miles west of Seychelles.
Previously, EU NAVFOR Maritime Patrol Aircraft spotted the MV and reported 8 POB (3 of them possible pirates) and several fuel barrels. ITS Scirocco from CTF 508 is heading towards the position to investigate. The RAK AFRIKANA has currently stopped due to engine problems. MV RAK AFRICANA has deadweight of 7,561 tonnes and is owned by Rak Afrikana Shipping LTD fromSeychelles. The nationality of the crew is at this moment unknown.

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