

Tuesday, April 06, 2010

Somali Pirates: NATO Shipping Centre PIRACY UPDATE 06. APRIL 2010

Report found here:
05. April 2010
WARNING, Suspect Vessel, North Indian Ocean (1819N,05848E)
Alert number 324 / 2010. At 1750Z UTC a Merchant vessel reported a suspicious approach by 2 skiffs in position 1819N 05848E.
Whilst weapons were reported as being seen the skiffs did not fire at the vessel and only came within 2.5nm. The skiffs are still in the area 5. april 2010.
05. April 2010
UPDATE, Pirate Attack, Indian Ocean (1341N,05530E)
Alert number 323 / 2010.
At 12:38 UTC a merchant vessel was reported under attack by pirates in position 1341N 05530E. THE VESSEL EVADED THE ATTACK
Weapons reported.
05. April 2010
WARNING Pirate Attack, Indian Ocean (1223 N,06021E)
Alert number 322 / 2010.
At 07:49 UTC a merchant vessel was reported under attack by pirates/ 2 skiffs in position 1223 N 06021 E.
05. April 2010
ALERT UPDATE, North Indian Ocean (1821N,05901E)
Alert number 321 / 2010.
Reference previous Alert number 320 / 2010.
At 0313Z a merchant vessel was reported under attack in position 1821N 05901E.
***This vessel managed to evade hijack*** the attack has now ceased
05. April 2010, the Pirate action group is still in the area.
05. April 2010
WARNING, Pirate Attack, North Indian Ocean (1821N,05901E)
Alert number 319 / 2010.
At 0313 UTC a merchant vessel was reported under attack by 1 vessel in position 1821N 05901E.
One white vessel reported firing at MV
05. April 2010
WARNING, Pirate Attack, North Indian Ocean (1821N,05901E)
Alert number 320 / 2010.
At 0313 UTC a merchant vessel was reported under attack by 1 vessel in position 1821N 05901E.
One white vessel reported firing at MV
05. April 2010
WARNING, Pirate Attack, North Indian Ocean (1821N,05901E)
Alert number XXX / 2010.
At 0313 UTC a merchant vessel was reported under attack by 1 vessel in position 1821N 05901E.
One white vessel reported firing at MV
04. April 2010
WARNING, Pirate Attack, Somali Basin/ Indian Ocean (0920 S,04432 E)
Alert number 319 / 2010.
At 14:06 UTC a merchant vessel was reported under attack by pirates in position 0920 S 04432E.
A mother vessel and a skiff, weapons have been fired.
Interesting pattern developing as all these attack are outside of patrolled transit lanes.
UPDATE: Weather and waves favorable to small boat operations in the above attack areas as seen here:
 This shows winds of 5 knots or less in these areas. Less wind generally means reduced wave heights.

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