

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Follow-on to Baltimore LNG NIMBY situation

Initial coverage of local overreaction to Sparrows Point LNG terminal proposal here.

Follow-up found here, the politics of misinformation and irrational fear-mongering:
Council Chairman John Olszewski, D-District 7, said he proposed a bill that would ban oil refineries and LNG facilities within five miles of residential zones in response to his district’s opposition to Virginia energy firm AES Corp.’s plan. Olszewski grilled AES project manager Kent Morton and others who spoke against the bill at a council work session Tuesday.

Residents, joined by politicians at every level, including Gov. Robert Ehrlich, have said they fear the terminal could explode, attract terrorists or disturb toxic pollutants that would be dredged to the surface.

“If I can put another obstacle in front of these people, I’ll do it to represent the community I was elected to represent,” Olszewski said.
The nearest homes are 1.3 miles from the site, too far to be damaged by an explosion that is unlikely to occur in the first place, said environmental consultant Chris DeBernard.
“These monstrous ships will be sitting in people’s yards,” said Sparrows Point resident Fred Thiess. “They will be living in fear for the rest of their lives.”
Cowering in their basements wearing tin foil hats...probably.

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