

Wednesday, March 04, 2009

Somali Pirates: Possible Cruise Ship Attack?

A report of a possible attack on a cruise ship in the Gulf of Aden here:

Several news outlets are reporting that a cruise ship in the Gulf of Aden Tuesday evaded what appeared to be a pirate attack.
The UK's Metro says more than 1,000 Britons aboard British line Fred Olsen's Balmoral were
ushered to safety late in the day as two small craft raced toward the cruise ship at high speed. The news outlet quotes a spokeswoman for the line as saying the master of the Balmoral ordered passengers to 'safe havens' as part of a pre-planned safety procedure.

"Aggressive maneuvering was implemented and contact was made with the EU Coalition Task Force," the spokeswoman added.
The Balmoral is scheduled to arrive in Oman Thursday. The ship is on a three month cruise around the world that began last month in England.

More details later.

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