

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Somali Pirates: Zero for Three

Pirates move southward, but go zero for three, as noted here:
In the other attacks Sunday, pirates in two small boats fired rocket-propelled grenades and machine guns for 30 minutes at a Hong Kong container ship. The vessel managed to escape by increasing speed and carrying out evasive maneuvers.

An hour later, the bandits fired at a Greek bulk carrier but aborted the attempt after the ship took anti-piracy measures, including evasive maneuvers, Mr. Choong said.

The Japanese cargo ship was attacked four hours after the Greek carrier.

"Fortunately, no one was injured and killed," Mr. Choong said. "It is believed to be the same pirate group, and it shows they are now operating in the southern part of Somalia."
You know, where the coalition naval forces aren't...

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