

Monday, August 17, 2009

Monday Reading

UPDATE: On a Monday, for a change, I manage to link to Fred Fry's Maritime Monday 175 which is chock full of delicious nautical tidbits - and photos from a shipyard in Trinidad and Tobago's Port of Spain.

I have no idea whether this breaks the law, but it surely has trouble passing the "smell test" from The Skeptical Bureaucrat: What's a Little Lobbying Between Friends? - pointing out a government website that sure looks like it's taking a political position.

Pinch notes some irony - from government officials.

Sha Na Na today. Yes, it shows my age and Betsy's, too. The rest of you can look up Sha Na Na on Google.

A writing contest at Small Wars Journal. I could use the money . . . entries due by 10 November 09, so you've still got time. To lose to me.

A tug boat driver who will looking for a new line of work (and a change of underwear)at Towmasters.

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