

Monday, August 17, 2009

Somali Pirates: Attacks and Mother Ship Warnings

Somali pirate activity reported:

16/08/2009 15.18 UTC

Pirate Attack

Somali Basin (0617.1N,05441.2E)


At 161340 UTC a merchant vessel is currently under attack by 2 skiffs and a Mother Boat in position 0617.1N 05441.2E .

Mother Boat is white and about 50 metres in length

It is recommended that all vessels not making scheduled calls to ports in Somalia, Kenya or Tanzania keep as far from the Somali coast as possible. MSCHOA now advise that vessels should consider maintaining a distance of more than 600 nautical miles from the coastline and when routing north/south consider keeping East of 60E Longitude until East of the Seychelles.

All vessels transiting the area and not able to keep 600 nm off the Somali coast are advised not to approach closer than 100 nm from the position given in this report and maintain maximum CPA with any ship acting suspiciously.

While navigating in the region vessels are urged to operate at a heightened state of readiness, maintaining strict 24 hour anti-piracy visual and radar watches, actively implement recommended anti-piracy measures and regularly report their position/course/speed to UKMTO.


15/08/2009 11.52 UTC

Suspect Vessel

Somali Basin (06-32N,052-18E)



At position 06 32N 052 18E (17th AUG 0720 UTC) the FV WIN FAR 161 has been spotted. There are strong indications, that the fishing vessel has already conducted an unsuccessful pirate attack on 16thAUG.

All vessels are advised to avoid WIN FAR 161. The vessel is white in color and about 50mtrs long.


It is recommended that all vessels not making scheduled calls to ports in Somalia, Kenya or Tanzania keep as far from the Somali coast as possible. MSCHOA now advise that vessels should consider maintaining a distance of more than 600 nautical miles from the coastline and when routing north/south consider keeping East of 60E Longitude until East of the Seychelles.

All vessels transiting the area and not able to keep 600 nm off the Somali coast are advised not to approach closer than 100 nm from the position given in this report and maintain maximum CPA with any ship acting suspiciously.

While navigating in the region vessels are urged to operate at a heightened state of readiness, maintaining strict 24 hour anti-piracy visual and radar watches, actively implement recommended anti-piracy measures and regularly report their position/course/speed to UKMTO.

Yellow area reflects my understanding of position of reported attack. It could be off the mark.

Offshore wind info from here. Might be a lessening in monsoon winds as winds are mixed offshore:

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