

Sunday, August 09, 2009

Pirates of the Baltic and a Missing Ship

Interesting, if cryptic, tale of an apparently missing ship Russian Navy Joins Search for Freighter Attacked by Pirates:
Russia’s navy and Federal Security Service, the primary successor to the Soviet-era KGB, are searching for a Finnish ship with a Russian crew that disappeared in the Atlantic Ocean en route to Algeria.

Radio contact with the freighter Arctic Sea was lost on July 28, according to a statement posted on the navy’s Web site today. The ship, which sails under the Maltese flag, had 13 to 15 crewmembers on board, the navy said.

The Arctic Sea, operated by Oy Solchart Management AB, was scheduled to arrive in Bejaia, Algeria on Aug. 4, the Sovfracht maritime news Web site reported yesterday. The ship, built in 1991, has 4,706 deadweight tons capacity, the navy said.
Report of alleged Baltic pirate attack here.

And an earlier report of this ship going missing off Portugal here from reader 1657 from Galloping Ghost who also has a report at "Baltic Pirates? Anyone?"

Very curious.

I wonder who has the insurance coverage?

UPDATE: Healthy but not extreme winds off Portugal:

UPDATE2: I think I got all the kinks out of the links.

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