

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

One more reason to like Ozzie Guillen

Look, I'm an Astro's fan and a huge Craig Biggio fan. Before this World Series, I could not have identified a White Sox player or coach from this year's team. I'm not happy the Astros are down 2-0 to the Sox (though the Sox and the 'Stros seem to be cut from the same mold). But I like what I have seen of Ozzie Guillen and his comments over some jackass Sox fan annoying Biggio's wife have given me one more reason to like the guy. Reported as Guillen apologizes after Sox fan slaps Biggio's wife, but I like this:
White Sox manager Ozzie Guillen said Monday he was going to personally apologize to Biggio on Tuesday.

"I know the security in Chicago is doing a great job and when something happens so quickly, you can't blame anybody," Guillen said. "And the guy that did it, he should be brought to Biggio and he's the one who can hopefully get him back.

"I told the police, 'Don't put him in jail, bring him to me in the dugout,"' Guillen said.
I think a picture of the clown on national TV identifying him as a spineless wimp who would attack a woman might be called for, too, so that everyone can point to the jerk and know him for what he is...lower than pond scum.

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