

Sunday, December 04, 2005

Israeli navy sinks Palestinian boat

Reported here:
An IDF ship sank a Palestinian fishing boat Saturday morning, after the boat entered prohibited waters off the southern Gaza Strip coast.

Palestinian medics reported that a 22-year-old Palestinian, who was on the boar, was killed in the incident.

A 10-meter (30-feet) fishing vessel, which made its way from Egypt toward the Gaza Strip, entered prohibited waters. An IDF navy ship, which patrols the area on a regular basis, noticed the boat and ordered it to return to the permitted zone.

The Palestinian boat then opened fire toward the navy ship, which was also fired at from the shore. The soldiers shot in order to warn the vessel to stop, and when it continued to move in the prohibited zone, they fired at the boat, causing it to sink.
Usual allegations from both sides as to the innocence of the sunken boat's intentions. (Hat tip: Israpundit)

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