

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

N.Korea, acting up again, says it will build light-water nuclear reactors

Sometimes the DPRK just appears to be part of an Alice in Wonderland experience as this report indicates - the DPRK simply is out to blackmail the world.
Six-country talks to try to end North Korea's nuclear weapons programs have stalled and diplomats said the latest comment from the North's official KCNA news agency could complicate an already difficult negotiating process further.

Pyongyang had not said before it planned to build relatively proliferation resistant light-water reactors (LWRs), but had threatened to resume work on two graphite-moderated reactors (GMRs), which can produce large amounts of material for atomic bombs, a South Korean Foreign Ministry official said.
Expect to be threatened with a nuclear sea of fire at any time.

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