

Monday, December 17, 2007

Somali pirates grab an Italian cargo ship

Cue the theme from "Jaws". Bring out the little girl from "Poltergeist II," saying "They're back!" Because the pirates of Somalia, having let a few days go by without a captive ship, have struck again, as reported in Somali pirates hijack Italian cargo ship :
Somalia's notorious sea pirates have hijacked an Italian cargo ship en route to Kenya, days after releasing a Japanese ship, a senior international maritime official said here Monday.

The Somali pirates hijacked the Italian cargo ship off the coastal waters of the Horn of Africa region, as it approached its destination in Mombasa, Kenya, said Andrew Mwangura, the Coordinator of the Seafarers Assistance Programme (SAP).

Mwangura said the vessel, which was sailing from Italy to Kenya's port city of Mombasa, was attacked in southern Somalia early Monday.

"An Italian cargo ship has been attacked by Somali pirates. Details of the crew and their nationalities have not been established," Mwangura told PANA on telephone.
More details to follow.

Are people not getting the stay 200+ miles off the Somali coast message?

UPDATE: There's a reason the aid shipments are getting escorts.

UPDATE2 (18 Dec 07): New info here.

UPDATE3: Reports of the capture may be ...wrong. See here.

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