

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Love the headline, hate the implication: London blast brains visited RP, says PI anti-terror bill sponsor

The international scope of terrorism noted here:
Siddique Khan, the suspected mastermind of the London subway bombings last July 7 that left 56 dead, had been in Mindanao to visit a Jemaah Islamiah (JI) training camp, Rep. Eduardo Gullas (Cebu) yesterday said.

"We obtained information that Khan was trying to see how much money was needed to keep the terrorist group’s activities from going smoothly," Gullas said in a statement.

Gullas said Khan was accompanied by Nasir Abbas, a senior JI member who is now helping the Indonesian police in the war on terrorism. He did not say when Khan made the visit.

Gullas made the disclosure after Indonesian authorities claimed that Malaysians Azahari bin Husin and Noordin Mohamed Top, the suspected masterminds of the suicide attacks in Bali, Indonesia last Saturday, underwent training in the Philippines. The attacks left 26 dead and thousands injured.

"This latest information that we obtained as well as the Indonesian police’s new revelation, underline the fact that southern Philippines has become a convenient sanctuary and training ground for the JI and other regional terrorist groups," Gullas, one of the principal sponsors of the anti-terrorism bill, said.
Not good.

More here. Hat tip: Counterterrorism Blog

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