

Thursday, October 06, 2005

Tightening Security: Lombok, West Java, Surakarta and Singapore

Reported here, tightening security across the island chains.
Surakarta Police chief High Comm. Abdul Madjid stated that he has deployed troops to monitor eight locations in the region, particularly at inter-province border points.

Eighteen police personnel are standing guard at each location.

“We will guard these locations a full 24-hour basis,” stated Madjid.

The Singaporean government has also been tightening security.

Surveillance of entry points at Harbour Front has been heightened and every ship from Batam approaching the port was searched for more than 20 minutes.

All ships entering the waters of Singapore were ordered by the Coast Guard to stop and turn around.

Singaporean police patrol officers then went aboard ships to check cargo and even searched captains’ cabins.

Meanwhile, the Barelang police have established monitoring teams at tourist exit and entry points on Batam.
I wonder if, in the wake of the latest Bali bombing there is further intel on an upcoming "big op?"

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