

Friday, June 19, 2009

Somali Pirate Loot? Phishing for Fools

A Somali Pirate-themed variation on the "Nigerian emails" sent along by reader Paul (whose other identification is being withheld for his protection for reasons that will become apparent later in this post):

Subject: My Buddy….

From: “Major Clarence Eugene”

Date: Wed, June 17, 2009 5:39 pm

To: undisclosed-recipients:

Priority: Normal

Hello, I am Major Clarence Eugene, citizen of the USA, with the US Navy Joint Special Op, USS COLORADO around Gulf of Aden,we have $30 Million US Dollars in our possession,which was seized from pirate between Yemen and Somalia in Gulf of Aden, we want to move the funds out of theUSS COLORADO around Gulf of Aden.My partner and I need someone we can trust to actualize this venture, you will be entitled to 12Million USD and our share of 18 Million should be kept for us safely until we are discharge of our duties here in USS COLORADO around Gulf of Aden.Please respond for complete detailed information if interested,please do response using this email: (deleted)

Among the many amusing aspects of this phishing expedition is that the last "USS Colorado" - BB-45- was scrapped in 1959 after a long career. When I pointed this out to Paul, he responded
(and here's the real reason for the shielding of his identity):

I always thought that Colorado was on par with California for the Gold Rush, ( American history is not one of my strong points) so that was my first association, but why not use USS California? “There’s gold in them thar Hulls”

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