

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Captain of cruise ship charged for being drunk

Reported here. Best quote:
The first two breath-alcohol tests, using an expired calibration gas canister, found Petridis' alcohol content to be 0.095 and 0.099.

"While conducting the tests, (Chief Warrant Officer Eric) Mathews also observed that Petridis' eyes were bloodshot and red," Baker wrote. "Mathews also noticed that Petridis seemed excited and on edge, and was easily agitated during the contact."
After being removed from duty at 5 p.m. and then taken to the Seattle Police Department's West Precinct, prosecutors say, he was given two more breath tests resulting in blood-alcohol readings of 0.181 and 0.176. The federal limit for operating a vessel in U.S. waters is 0.040.

UPDATE: Naturally, the captain has a defense. He says he was "off duty."

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