

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Tamil Tigers and al Queda as terrorists

Interesting interview on the Tamil Tigers here with this quote of the day:
Rupavahini: What is your government’s position on attempts by the EU to list the LTTE as a terrorist group?

Camp: We have encouraged the EU to list the LTTE. We think the LTTE is very deserving of that label. We think it will help cut off financial supplies and weapons procurement and the like.

Rupavahini: The LTTE’s Sea Tiger leader, Soosai, told the BBC once : “Organizations like Al Qaeda are already copying us. They’re using our tactics, in Yemen they used our strategy of suicide attacks to blow up an American ship.” Your comments as America leads the war on terror?

Camp: The LTTE should not be proud of its claim to be the originator of suicide bombings as a tactic. In fact, they were not; our Marine barracks were attacked in 1983, in Lebanon [by suicide bombers]. I think the LTTE should re-assess its methods and should abandon terrorism. That’s the only way it can really have a future in a united Sri Lanka.

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