

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Kenya's Foreign Affairs Minister not happy with world treatment of Somalia over past 15 years

Reported here:
Kenya has castigated the international community for standing by and watching as Somalia degenerated into 15 years of civil war.

In a speech to the 114th Inter-Parliamentary Union Assembly at Kenyatta International Conference Centre, Foreign affairs minister Raphael Tuju said the rest of the world watched indifferently as Kenya struggled with Somalia.

"It is an indictment of the civilised world that we have allowed a country to exist without a government for that long. As world leaders, we bear some responsibility for this neglect," Tuju told participants.

He said the international community seemed to have abandoned Somalia, adding that some nations were now paying attention to the crisis "since their ships have become victims of piracy off the Somalia coast".

"After 15 years, we must have the presence of mind and courage to appreciate that this now must be solved," he said.
Why not make signs at the borders of Somalia reading "Another UN success story?"

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