

Sunday, June 01, 2008

Somali Pirates: Threaten Crew of Dutch Ship

In their standard ploy to claim legitimacy, Somali pirates assert they are protecting Somali fishing waters, as set out here:
Men who hijacked the Dutch ship MV Amiya Scan have contacted Radio Garowe about the intention of Puntland administration to sanction security forces to storm the ship.

The hijackers threatened to take steps that may endanger lives of the ship crew if Puntland security forces attempt to release the ship and its crew by force from hijackers.

Hame Mohamed Ali who contacted Radio Garowe on behalf of the hijackers told Radio Garowe : "The Dutch ship entered Somali territorial waters illegally for illegal fishing purposes."
This is, of course, belied by simply taking a look at the ship, which is clearly not a fishing vessel.

Ship photo from Shipspotting.com.

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