Flight Deck Ops

Flight Deck Ops

Sunday, September 18, 2005

Pirates loot trawlers in Bangladesh

Bangladesh is feeling a piracy problem with its fishermen as reported here:
Piracy is a major problem in some sections of river routes and affect the transportation of goods. Trade deals between suppliers and receivers of merchandise are sometimes distorted by disruptions caused to the movement of goods. The affected fishermen in the Meghna will be forced to bear the ultimate burden of loss of the latest piracy. Actions for prevention of piracy and ultimate punishment of the pirates have to be taken effectively to help fishermen overcome the threat. Piracy is a major law and order problem that needs careful attention of the government and necessary support of the social groups for its prevention.
Catch a few and make examples of them and the problem might slow down...anyone know the theme from "Hang 'em High?"

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