

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Latest ICC CCS Piracy Report (to 14 April 08)

The latest ICC Commercial Crime Services (to 14 Apr 08) is here. Highlights:
-13.04.2008: 0205 LT: 03:13N – 105:26E, Off Pulau Mangkai, Indonesia. 12 pirates, in a speedboat, armed with guns, swords and iron bars approached a bulk carrier underway. Master raised alarm, crew directed fire hoses and SSAS activated. Pirates boarded the ship and stole crew personal belongings, ship's cash and property. After 50 minutes, they left the ship. No injuries to crew except minor bruises. Ships in vicinity alerted.

-13.04.2008: 0355 LT: 03:16.18N - 105:26.68E, off Pulau Mangkai, Indonesia. Pirates armed with long knives in a speedboat boarded a product tanker underway. They stole crew personal belongings and ship's property and escaped. No injuries.

-12.04.2008: 0511 UTC: 14:33.6N - 050:32.2E, Gulf of Aden. Two suspicious crafts doing 17 knots approached a container ship underway. Master took evasive manoeuvres and increased speed to outrun the crafts. Both crafts had six to seven persons onboard. No weapons sighted. There were several other small boats in the vicinity; however, there was no indication that these boats were associated with the two suspect crafts.

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