

Monday, April 07, 2008

Monday Reading

Fred Fry has Maritime Monday 105 up at gCaptain. Nice pictures of some big container ships of the ZIM line and more linkage to maritime stuff that you can visit all week.

Xformed has Monday Maritime Matters with a look at Navy hero Richard L. Conolly.

Chap has the results of an interesting poll. My hand is up, too.

Gahlran has some "technology thoughts".

Daveed Gartenstein-Ross and Bill Roggio do a quick take on the latest skirmish in the "Long War" with the other enemy - the "Press". Something reminds me of the Copperhead newspapers from the U.S. Civil War...

UPDATE: Wretchard's farewell to Charlton Heston who was a rebel with a cause and a real man. It is worth noting that Heston served in the Air Corps in WWII in the Aleutians as a radio operator in B-25s. Time to dust off Will Penny again - an excellent cowboy movie.

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