

Tuesday, October 02, 2007

GWOT(!): Intel Concerns

Why fighting terrorists is hard - the world of imperfect intelligence, as discussed by a retired Canadian admiral here:
With the eyes of the Canadian intelligence community focused almost exclusively on operations in Afghanistan, it might be time to consider the threats within Canada's borders, a conference of security and intelligence officials was warned Saturday.

"When I look at the next 10 to 15 years, the thing that bothers me the most The admiral told delegates he worries about security threats in the Philippines and Indonesia and the possibility of fissionable material from North Korea arriving in Syria or even closer to home for Canadians.

"Can someone tell me why that now we've opened the Port of Prince Rupert and with the degree of traffic that we have there, that they (North Korean ships) can't land there?" he asked.

"Because I'm from B.C. I worry about radicalized environmentalism, eco-terrorism and we haven't talked a lot about the religious fervour of that topic and where it might take us in the next five years."is terrorism - but not just in Afghanistan," said retired Rear Admiral Roger Girourard, former commander of Maritime Forces Pacific for the Canadian Forces.

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