

Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Latest ICC CCS Piracy Report (to 29 August 2005)

Report is here. Couple of highlights:

-Off Iraq -
27.08.2005 at 0230 LT anchored in posn 29:43.7N - 048:39,1E, buoy no. 3 and 5, Khawr Abd Allah, Iraq.
Three robbers armed with machine guns and steel bar boarded a LPG tanker. They smashed bridge window and held 2/O and master at gunpoint. They fired a shot at the master missing his shoulder by 20 cm and forced him to open safe and stole cash. Robbers then threatened C/E and escaped at 0315 LT stealing ship’s stores. Master reported to coalition forces who asked him for details of attack. Master advised ships not to anchor in this area during night hours.
and Somalia:
16.08.2005 off Kismayo port, Somalia.
Pirates hijacked three deep sea fishing vessels. They are holding crew members as hostages. Further information is awaited.


(note: orginal posting time changed to put Katrina post at top)

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