

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Latest Piracy Report from ICC Commercial Crime Services (to 22 August 2005)

For latest ICC CSS piracy report go here. Highlights:
21.08.2005 at 1945 UTC in position 29:43.6N - 048:39.3E, Um Qasr-Khawr Abd Allah Channel, Iraq.
Six robbers in two boats armed with machine guns and knives approached a general cargo ship at anchor awaiting berthing. Four robbers boarded; overpowered duty A/B and went to the bridge, where they took hostage D/O and two crewmembers. Robbers held further seven crewmembers at gunpoint and took them to master’s cabin. By this time master escaped and hid inside engine room. Robbers assaulted the hostages and threatened them with guns and knives and ordered them to open the safe. As none of hostages knew the safe combination they lowered the safe in their boat. Robbers escaped in a two metre dark green speedboat at 2020 UTC.

19.08.2005 at 2030 LT in position 02:37.1N - 108:57.0E, off Natuna islands, Indonesia.
Pirates armed with guns in a fishing boat fired upon a tug towing a barge causing damage to navigation equipment and accommodation. Master cast off the barge, took evasive manoeuvres and proceeded to Singapore. No injuries to crew.

16.08.2005 at 0200 LT in approx posn 01N – 104E, Indonesia.
Pirates hijacked a tug towing a barge. They threw a crewmember overboard who was rescued by a nearby craft. He reached shore and reported the incident to naval authorities in Tg. Pinang. The tug and barge are still missing. (Earlier post on this here

Oh, yes, STAY AWAY FROM SOMALIA: ICC-CSS reports 17 incidents since March 15 and some well offshore.

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