

Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Relief Ops: Mississippi Port Information

Don't know if ships can get in these ports yet, but a good place to start looking is Mississippi Ports Home Page




Ships could bring in a lot of supplies and also provide some power and clean water.

UPDATE: Port of New Orleans info

USNS Comfort

USS Iwo Jima (with USCG Bark Eagle

USNS Comfort web site

USS Iwo Jima web site

UPDATE2: May need the space - more Navy ships enroute, including the USNS Comfort and the USS Belleau Wood
The Pentagon effort includes the Navy amphibious assault ship USS Bataan, whose helicopters have been flying relief missions from off the Louisiana coast.

The ship, which resembles a small aircraft carrier, can produce large quantities of fresh water and is equipped with 600 hospital beds. (Watch video report on storm-related health risks)

Several other ships, including a rescue and salvage vessel and the USS Iwo Jima, another amphibious assault ship, are on their way from Norfolk, Virginia, the Navy said.

The USNS Comfort, a floating hospital based in Baltimore, Maryland, will depart in coming days. A medical crew from Bethesda Naval Hospital will staff the ship. It has full hospital capabilities, including operating rooms and hundreds of beds.

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