

Sunday, August 14, 2005

Registration of Prepaid Cell Phones- a Good Idea

Malaysia says "prepaid' cell phone users must registerhere:
"The decision was made not just because of recent SMS abuses, but also for national security as we saw the London bombs were triggered off by mobile phones," Energy, Water and Communications Minister Datuk Seri Dr Lim Keng Yaik said Sunday.
The move will also help authorities trace culprits responsible for abusive calls and to check abuse of short messaging service (SMS), he said.

"Malacca and Penang will be the first states that will register pre-paid handphone users," he said, adding that the cabinet agreed to this last week as both states are small and easy to monitor.

The ministry will see what kind of problems are encountered in the two states during the registration process.

Speaking after chairing the Gerakan central committee meeting, Lim said out of 16 million mobile phone users, 14 million are prepaid customers.
Seems like a reasonable idea.

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