

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Expert warns of maritime terrorist attack in SE Asia

Reported here:
Rohan Gunaratna, head of terrorism research in Singapore's Institute for Defense and Strategic Studies (IDSS), warned on Tuesday of the probability of a maritime terrorist attack in Southeast Asia.

According to Channel NewsAsia report on Tuesday, Gunaratna said at an IDSS workshop on maritime security that terrorists have been found to be developing their underwater demolition capability.

Having 18 years of operational, policy and academic experience in counter terrorism, Gunaratna noted that a manual on how to set up and run a diving school was found in Kandahar and some interest in basic diving training has been detected in the region.
As Froggy from Froggyruminations has discussed in the past, this underwater threat scenario seems to pop up about once a quarter (see here and here).

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