

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Iran "protector" of the "Persian Gulf?"

According to this, Iran, formerly known as Persia, has long been a peace-keeping presence in the Persian Gulf (which is the same Gulf many of us learned to call the Arabian Gulfduring the first Gulf War).
Previous to the Achaemenid era, Persians tried to keep Persian Gulf region as safe and peaceful place as possible. The safety of Persian Gulf was a vital matter to merchants during ancient times. It was so important that they preferred crossing the Persian Gulf even if they had to spend more days on the water to keep safe from pirates and deliver their goods safe and sound to the destination.

“From the Achaemenid era, shipping existed in the Persian Gulf which was a bridge between the west and east. At that time the King Road extended from Susa to the Minor Asia and from Susa to the Persian Gulf. The road was 2650 kilometers,” said Ardeshir Khodadadian, professor of ancient history in Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, about the Persian Gulf safety.

According to Khodadadian, Darius charged Eskilaks to cross the distance between the Persian Gulf and the Indian Ocean to the African Sea to provide the map of the Persian Gulf. At that time it was supposed that Darius wanted the map for his campaigns but later on it was revealed that he wanted the maps mainly for the use of merchants and businessmen. The maps were created help form a guardian force in the Persian Gulf, a force today known as coast guards to establish peace and safety in the region.

After Darius, most of the nations of the world were hoping to take control of the Persian Gulf.

A Greek admiral of Alexander came to the Persian Gulf with his navy and joined Alexander forces. In his itinerary, the admiral described Persian Gulf as a beautiful place. Businessmen at that time believed that not only Persian Gulf waters were calm and peaceful but also the region too was a safe area for transferring their goods.

“It is not just today’s governments, including the US, who want to take control over the Persian Gulf, but from the ancient times and the Achaemenid era, the Greek had an eye on the Persian Gulf,” says Khodadadian.

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