

Monday, August 08, 2005

Coast Guard 110 cutter rust, rusting away

The Coast Guard has a few problems - and some of its boats need to be replaced:
Only one-quarter of this fast-responder fleet is "mission capable," Rear Adm. Patrick Stillman told the House Appropriations subcommittee on homeland security at a July 22 hearing. "That's a problem," he said.
Additionally, six of the cutters are overseas in the Persian Gulf working alongside the Navy protecting offshore oil platforms and inspecting other ships.
Adm. Collins also told the panel several cutters "actually had holes in the hull and water was coming in."
"That's our challenge, managing the aging assets and getting the most out of them as we can, as we buy, as quickly as we can, the new ones," Adm. Collins said.
Quite a challenge.

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