

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Latest Piracy Report from ICC Commercial Crime Services (to 8 August)

ICC CCS piracy report here. Highlights:
Suspicious crafts

07.08.2005 at 0754 UTC in position 15:06N - 041:49E, Southern Red Sea.
Four small boats equipped with powerful outboard engines were sighted by a container ship underway. Each boat was manned by 10 persons and had no fishing gear.
40 men in powerful boats? No fishing gear? Sounds like a trap for the unwary to me...

03.08.2005 at 1600 UTC in position 13:24N - 049:25E, Gulf of Aden.
Persons armed with guns in two speedboats trailed a chemical tanker underway at a range of 10nm. Ten mins later, they increased speed and came within two cables astern. Alert crew prevented boarding. Later, three speedboats made similar attempts to board but ship took evasive manoeuvres and boarding was averted.

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