

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

ICC CCS Weekly Piracy Report (to 17 Jul 07)

ICC Commercial Crime Services Weekly Piracy Report (to 17 Jul 07) found here.
12.07.2007: 1555 UTC: Chittagong anchorage ‘B’, Bangladesh.
Six robbers, armed with knives, boarded an anchored container ship. D/O raised the alarm, all crew mustered and chased the robbers. Robbers stole ship’s stores and escaped.

11.07.2007: 0500 LT: Belawan anchorage, Indonesia.
Duty crew, on an anchored chemical tanker, spotted a robber on the forecastle deck. The OOW was informed and the alarm raised. The robber jumped overboard and escaped in an unlit boat. Later ships stores were found missing.

10.07.2007: 0245 UTC: Posn 12:59N – 049:17E 90 nm North of Somali northern coast, Gulf of Aden.
A tug, underway, observed a dhow type-fishing vessel on her port side proceeding on a reciprocal course. The fishing vessel altered and started coming closer to the
tug. As the tug altered course, the fishing vessel altered her course and increased speed as well. Once the tug increased speed, the fishing vessel aborted the attempt.
You know, just stay away from Somalia.

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