

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Latest ICC CCS Weekly Piracy Report (to 24 July 0&)

Latest ICC Commercial Crime Services (to 24 July 07)found here. Highlights:
20.07.2007: 2115 UTC: 12:32N – 044:03E, Gulf of Aden.
An unlit boat, doing about 8 knots, approached a general cargo ship underway on a collision course. Alert crew directed the search light towards the boat and the boat aborted the attempt.

20.07.2007: 2020 UTC: 12:31N – 044:12E, Gulf of Aden.
Two unlit boats, doing about 11.5 knots approached a general cargo ship underway on a collision course. The ship took evasive manoeuvres, increased speed and directed the searchlights towards the boats. The closest the boats got to the ship was about two cables. When the boats came into the beam of the searchlights they aborted the attempt to board

20.07.2007: 1200 LT: 11:09.0N – 052:46.8E, South of Socotra Island, Off Somalia.
A small, white hulled, boat about 30-50 meters long followed a container ship underway. At a distance of about 5 nm, the boat increased speed and approached the ship. The master altered course and the boat adjusted her course to follow the ship. At a distance of 3 nm, the boat stopped following the ship. Master altered course and moved away from the boat.
And some angry fishermen
20.07.2007: 0635 LT: Khorramshahr terminal, Iraq.
While underway to the pilot station, with pilot onboard, a container ship had to pass over fishing nets. The Iraq fishermen opened fire on the vessel. Bullets hit the accommodation. Pilot notified the incident to the Iranian coast guard and port security officer. No casualties.
Wonder who was there first?

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