

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Buck Sargent Hits the Center RIng

I've been fumbling with a way to express what Buck Sargent does so well here in a nice little rant about, ultimately, BDS:
But I'm starting to get the sense it's no longer just the cuckoo for cocopuff crazies who are getting down with the sickness. Take this blurb from an Associated Press story covering the latest antiwar march on Washington:

Retired Marine Jeff Carroll, 47, an electrician in Milton, Del., held a sign saying: "Proud of our soldiers, ashamed of our president." Carroll said he served in Lebanon when the Marine barracks was bombed in a deadly attack in 1983, and thinks the U.S. should be focusing on Afghanistan and Osama bin Laden instead of Iraq. "We're fighting the wrong country."
Well shouldn't we have started with the Lebanese then? (If this is to be believed, it may actually come to that). But I'd like to assume Jeff to be an otherwise rational fellow, and as things currently stand the reason why not is precisely the same reason we can't possibly be "fighting the wrong country." We're not fighting a country at all. Thanks to us, Iraq and Afghanistan both now have friendly representative governments that furnish (somewhat) uniformed armies that are fighting alongside us. Precisely what it is we're still battling is a viral ideological movement that has no borders and no territory other than where we allow it to operate due to our own political vacillation. But what I really cannot believe is that there are still so many Americans out there that fail to grasp this crucial distinction.
Amen. Sarge, amen.

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