

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Latest ICC CCS Piracy report (to 19 June 07)

The latest ICC Commercial Crime Services Weekly Piracy Report is here. Highlights of a relatively slow week:
- 13.06.2007: 0108 UTC: Posn 03:05N - 054:50E, Somalia.Three boats approached a tanker on converging courses. As the ship altered her course, the boats adjusted their course and continued to approach the ship. As the ship increased speed, the distance between the boats and ship increased which prevented the boarding.

- 10.06.2007: 0522 LT: Posn 06:00.6S - 106:53.2E, Jakarta, tanker anchorage, Indonesia. A few fishing boats diverted the attention of the watch keepers while two robbers boarded a tanker at anchor using grappling hooks. The robbers stole two life rafts and escaped. Port authorities informed, however no action taken.

- 07.06.2007: Off Eritrean waters, Eritrea.
Pirates attacked and fired upon an Egyptian fishing vessel underway and forced the vessel to stop. They hijacked the vessel to Eritrean regional waters and held 23 fishermen and sailors as hostages.

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