

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Radar for Yemen’s Coast

As reported here, the French and the Italians are at work on the Yemen coast:
The French Navy began setting up radar networks on Yemeni coasts in the past few weeks. The network stretches from the Al-Khokhah coasts on the Red Sea to the Shabwah coasts on the Arabian Sea, said media sources. The network will connect all of the checkpoints of the Yemeni coastguards, as protection against any terrorist attacks and spying operations via marine routes.

Italy is also funding and executing a radar network to protect Yemeni coasts, covering 500 kilometers, said an anonymous source in the coastguard.
Having a radar network connecting Yemen coasts will help monitor all marine entrances, which are a source of worry for Yemeni security.
Wait - spying operations? What the heck does that mean?

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